Index of 402 songworm-parody entries:
elta eta
cts of arody
fter ark
ggravated asalt
he lewife
ll mong the arlic
ll-emote onventions
n merican xpression
ncient tone
nd se he orce
nother aturday ight
nother rban egend
ny ort in a torm
rgo's ire-reathing aughter
rise for mily
ttorneys of arkour
uctioneer's ymn
zi orkforce
aby ove our hey
aby ere-ly oogie
ackwards strology
he allad of illie ones
arrayaran eetles
ase oat
ashing the alrog
___ ___ ___
he eam plitter
eyond the estern ange
izarro orld
lack lag
lack abby
lood ill ell
he oogie-oogie oogieman
oots : he econd rritation
rown ice and ofu
unny oney
unny on the rill
y the ime et o...
alvin and hucky
aptain ack and is rew
he at aiden's egrets
harcoal, ire, and moke
he hild of rthur urry
hocolate hip ookie ough
lassroom antasy
lear way the ountain ew
old ower
ome e uppets
he omforts of ome
ompanion, ot o e onfused ith nything lse
oncurrent entences
ould e (oom ound heck)
ovid's in the ir
reature in the ood
rossed ver
ross ertilization
urried eal ith ce ream
urse of the ryad
addy's ther ittle irl
amn the irens
andelion evenge
angerously lose
ark and nowy ashup
arkness ilking
he ark ide of ars
eadline: bout the uthor
ead en ile o laims
ear eparted
eathwish of ygiene
ecember of ambreadth
eep pace, yberspace
ensity s ll
ie, uppies: he ash-up of the reck of the rash
ie, uppies: he urderous oy
oes his ong ake y ackside ook ark?
og the atch
on't all n ngel
on't ver all e hicken
on’t aste the ars ust
on't ant to hake our and
owntown ight ale
ragon ecimal
he ragon rincess
reamer ruising
rive-hrough ilking
at erry
clectic alactic uisines
he ternal lame
ve and ourning
verybody ere .: the ear e xchange ontact nformation
he x-il arter
xposed to the lements
yes of ight wls
air evenge
alse larms at aycon
he annish arper
ellows ating reakfast
ilkers: he ext eneration
ilk ests in hio
ilk e rote
ilk of the ight-are
ilksingers, ilksingers
he ilksing oo
lies and ther iet ids
ly hese ack rom ars
ollowing a heme
or mily, hatever he ay ave eard
or the ake of ilking
ox ulder
reaking undanes
ree rial, ancel nytime
rets about trange nstruments
rom elta ith ove
rom eptune
he iant
he irl ho ad ever een ...
ive er hildren ings
ive e a artian over
nashing and icking of ails
olden ubmarine
ood hing ou an't ead y ind
he oose is ising
he oslings
reen yed omez
reen iant
rill ire
row ogether
ands of a ealer
angover: he orld of the loody ary
he-em-du (escent of nanna: the usical)
eretic emming
ighway ypnosis
obbit of the randywine
o o
oney, rote a arody
he ound of the :tags ( discography )illes
ow utch
he undredth ong
m tarbucks
f ver ould ove ou
iss our ye
eft y eart
ive lone
'll ise gain
'm ooking ver a ey alled `lover'
'm sing his une gain
n leakest ordor
eed affeine
hought hey'd e caly
t'll ever ast
t ever ains...
vory oap
ork rom ome
anet's ing
essica's ong
ohnny's ittle et
ulia oose
unction: on't nock athematics
unction: ast rain to mallville
ust ay o
erowyn's otives
insey cale
iss of the anopian pider oman
he ast ime ver ouched y ace
eave out the andcuffs
ength atters
eslie s ifferent
et the an ing
ife of the arty
he ightbulbs in randywine
ittle oxes in the allroom
ittle uzzy cicle
ittle ummy nimals
ivin' in a ideo ame
ong ive ureaucracy
oud talian oman
ucy in isguise
ucy ith he all
ullaby for a eary ody
unar ilk ing
acintosh own
ake t o
aking ight
aking ove eighing othing t ll
al, djusted
aster of acho
ildew and ust
ineral ights
onkey rains
he oon s lso a atellite
ortality ong
rs. urphy's howder: he ext eneration
r. nderhill
he ultitasking eader huffle
undanes' altz
utant enerations
y ountry's nthem
y ather as a ilker
essarose / an everse t?
ever nderstate our ase
ew laster
ew ersey leeps
ine pecific ongs
oah's rigin
obody's reen-yes
obody's oggy ands
o ry ounds
on-moking ection
o lace ike ome
o ight, o eft
o ay osé
n and n
ne in en
n the ilvery oon
reo east
ur ost ummer
ut of a urple azy ky
agan argain ots
aper lates
eople ho at eople
he erils of `ord of the ance'
ersian ug
icard and the orn; icard and irk at eridian
ieces of the ngines
ieces of the irst terodactyl ife
irate enny's randdaughter
lain aper ax
opeye the ailor's host
opulation xplosion
he ort of rgo
he ostman
he ueen of the ee olk
ama's ompany
at ace
ead y ips
ecursive emory llocation
ed evil nn
elative ompatibility
he elentless ide f ule
ennie evine
ight tuff ising
he isk of inging
he oad-kill ollection
omcom cene
owan emonade
afety ins ost
affron or olanda
andy’s ament (he ree of orted ewdrops)
anta onica alloon
he aucy rogrammer
ave ourselves!
earching for ules to the ame
econd-and rose
elf laze
equel to on't ush hat utton
hall ompare eed to an ctober aye?
hapes of hadow
he oves e, yaa, yaa, yaa
hiny and harp
hirt of old
imian yping ool
inger of the hadow
ing in the ircle
ix onths and p
ix ack / olf ack
ix ransit enitalia entauri
ky ermin
lime trathspey
he lippery lopes of luto
moky ummer
omeday e’ll eam own ith e
omething's nder the ed
ong from the igs' ide
ong of the olk azi
he ons of the axons
oylent reen
tar ip
tay ix eet rom e
tink p the iver
tormy aniels
tormy aniels reprise (ndictment #)
trange ncestor
uite? ore ike a tudio
umerian dvertising ingle
un and hadow: hen the oneymoon's ver
uper ougar
uper ane
ake s irected
ake a lave
apes! hy'd t ave o e apes?
apeworm: the arasite arody
he aste of gg
echnical ifficulties on oom
he echnophobe's ament
elevision in aylight
hen aw our ace ()
here's omething in y arden
hese ive ords on y creen
hey’ll now e s root
hey're inging `anned rom rgo'
hinkin' and rayin'
his pace ntentionally eft lank
hrall of oftware
hree-ing ircuits
he hree-econd rudge
hrees: ake
'il the attery ack uns ut
he ime raveler's aughter
inker's randson
oilet raining ong
oys x achina
rains nderneath okyo
he ree of ights and insel
he rekkies ave nvaded
ribble umbo
rilogy eaders
rust und aby's ullaby
he ruth bout lert olids
uring est (ola)
he nbearable hiteness of lothing
nforeseen ircumstances
apor ction
... irge
elvet ide
erdant ittles
iew of the orld from th venue
alking in our leep
altzing with ums
arning or nknown oters
he atcher
ater in the ipes
eight-oss enters from ell
ere, hese ild hings re
e've ot rivies
hen in rought
hite ouse and a herry ree
he hite nicorn, art
he hite nicorn, art
ho re ou nd hat ave ou one ith...
ho ven oes here?
intergreen assions
inter orrorland
ise en eared to read (here iants alked)
ithout aws
olf, en, and orn
he reck of the innow
iles ren
estermom, esterdad, esterme
ombies obbing the rave
oom allery iew heme
Bob Kanefsky ~