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Index of 397 songworm-parody entries:

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307 Delta Beta

Acts of Parody


After Dark

Aggravated Basalt

The Alewife


All Among the Garlic

All-Remote Conventions

An American Expression

Ancient Stone

And Use The Force


Another Saturday Night

Another Urban Legend

Any Port in a Storm

Argo's Fire-Breathing Daughter

Arise for Emily

Auctioneer's Hymn

Azi Workforce


Baby I Love Your Whey

Baby Were-Fly Boogie

Backwards Astrology

The Ballad of Tillie Jones


Barrayaran Beetles

Base Coat

Bashing the Balrog

B___ C___ D___

The Beam Splitter



Beyond the Western Range


Bizarro World

Black Flag

Black Tabby


Blood Will Tell

The Boogie-Woogie Boogieman

Boots II: The Second Irritation


Brown Rice and Tofu

Bunny Honey

Bunny on the Grill

By the Time I Get To...


Calvin and Chucky


Captain Jack and His Crew


The Cat Maiden's Regrets


Charcoal, Fire, and Smoke

The Child of Arthur Curry

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough

Classroom Fantasy

Clear Away the Mountain Dew


Cold Power


Come Ye Muppets

The Comforts of Home

Companion, Not To Be Confused With Anything Else

Concurrent Sentences


Could Be (Zoom Sound Check)

Covid's in the Air

Creature in the Wood

Crossed Over

Cross Fertilization

Curried Seal With Ice Cream

Curse of the Dryad

Daddy's Other Little Girl

Damn the Sirens

Dandelion Revenge

Dangerously Close

Dark and Snowy Mashup

Darkness Filking

The Dark Side of Mars

Deadline: About the Author

Dead Men File No Claims

Dear Departed

Deathwish of Hygiene

December of Cambreadth


Deep Space, Cyberspace

Density Is All

Die, Puppies: The Mash-up of the Wreck of the Crash

Die, Puppies: The Murderous Toy

Does This Song Make My Backside Look Dark?

Dog the Hatch


Don't Call An Angel

Don't Ever Call Me Chicken

Don’t Taste the Mars Dust

Don't Want to Shake Your Hand


Downtown Night Vale

Dragon Decimal

The Dragon Princess

Dreamer Cruising

Drive-Through Filking

Eat Merry

Eclectic Galactic Cuisines


The Eternal Flame

Eve and Mourning

Everybody Here 2.0: the Year We Exchange Contact Information

The Ex-Oil Carter

Exposed to the Elements

Eyes of Night Owls

Fair Revenge

False Alarms at Baycon


The Fannish Harper


Fellows Eating Breakfast

Filkers: The Next Generation

Filk Fests in Ohio

Filk He Wrote

Filk of the Night-Mare

Filksingers, Filksingers

The Filksing Too


Flies and Other Diet Aids

Following a Theme

For Emily, Whatever She May Have Heard

For the Sake of Filking

Fox Mulder

Freaking Mundanes

Free Trial, Cancel Anytime

Frets about Strange Instruments

From Delta With Love

From Neptune

The Giant

The Girl Who Had Never Been ...

Give Her Children Wings

Give Me a Martian Rover

Gnashing and Licking of Rails

Golden Submarine

Good Thing You Can't Read My Mind

The Goose is Rising

The Goslings


Green Eyed Gomez

Green Giant

Grill Fire

Grow Together



Hands of a Dealer

Hangover: The World of the Bloody Mary

he2-em-du (Descent of Inanna: the Musical)


Heretic Lemming

Highway Hypnosis

Hobbit of the Brandywine

Ho Ho

Honey, I Wrote a Parody

The Hound of the :tags ( discography )illes

How Butch

The Hundredth Song

I Am Starbucks

If Ever I Would Love You


I Kiss Your Eye

I Left My Heart

I Live Alone

I'll Rise Again

I'm Looking Over a Key Called `Clover'

I'm Using This Tune Again

In Bleakest Mordor

I Need Caffeine


I Thought They'd Be Scaly

It'll Never Last

It Never Rains...

Ivory Soap

I Work From Home

Janet's Sing


Jessica's Song

Johnny's Little Pet

Julia Goose

Junction: Don't Knock Mathematics

Junction: Last Train to Smallville

Just Say No

Kerowyn's Motives

Kinsey Scale

Kiss of the Canopian Spider Woman


The Last Time Ever I Touched My Face

Leave out the Handcuffs

Length Matters

Leslie Is Different


Let the Man Sing


Life of the Party

The Lightbulbs in Brandywine


Little Boxes in the Ballroom

Little Fuzzy Icicle

Little Gummy Animals

Livin' in a Video Game

Long Live Bureaucracy

Loud Italian Woman

Lucy in Disguise

Lucy With The Ball

Lullaby for a Weary Body

Lunar Filk Sing

Macintosh Town

Make It So

Making Love Weighing Nothing At All

Mal, Adjusted



Master of Macho



Mildew and Rust

Mineral Rights


Monkey Brains

The Moon Is Also a Satellite

Mortality Song

Mrs. Murphy's Chowder: The Next Generation

Mr. Underhill

The Multitasking Reader Shuffle

Mundanes' Waltz

Mutant Generations

My Country's Anthem

My Father Was a Filker

Nessarose / Can I Reverse It?

Never Understate Your Case

New Blaster

New Jersey Sleeps


Nine Specific Songs

Noah's Origin

Nobody's Green-Eyes

Nobody's Moggy Lands

No Dry Rounds

Non-Smoking Section

No Place Like Home

No Way José

On and On

One in Ten


On the Silvery Moon

Oreo Feast

Our Lost Summer

Out of a Purple Hazy Sky

Pagan Bargain Lots

Paper Plates

People Who Eat People


The Perils of `Lord of the Dance'

Persian Rug



Picard and the Gorn; Picard and Kirk at Veridian

Pieces of the Engines

Pieces of the First Pterodactyl Life

Pirate Jenny's Granddaughter

Plain Paper Fax

Popeye the Sailor's Ghost

Population Explosion

The Port of Argo

The Postman

The Queen of the Wee Folk

Rama's Company


Rat Race

Read My Lips

Recursive Memory Allocation

Red Devil Inn

Relative Compatibility

The Relentless Tide Of Yule

Rennie Levine

RFC 1149

Right Stuff Rising

The Risk of Singing

The Road-kill Collection

Romcom Scene

Rowan Lemonade

Safety Pins Lost

Saffron or Yolanda

Sandy’s Lament (The Tree of Sorted Dewdrops)

Santa Monica Balloon

The Saucy Programmer

Save Yourselves!

Searching for Rules to the Game

Second-Hand Prose

Self Glaze

Sequel to Don't Push That Button


Shall I Compare Feed to an October Daye?

Shapes of Shadow

She Loves Me, Nyaa, Nyaa, Nyaa

Shiny and Sharp

Shirt of Gold

Simian Typing Pool

Singer of the Shadow

Sing in the Circle

Six Months and Up

Six Pack / Wolf Pack

Six Transit Genitalia Centauri

Sky Vermin

Slime Strathspey

The Slippery Slopes of Pluto

Smoky Summer

Someday He’ll Beam Down With Me

Something's Under the Bed

Song from the Pigs' Side

Song of the Folk Nazi


The Sons of the Saxons

Soylent Green

Star Tip

Stay Six Feet From Me

Stink Up the River

Stormy Daniels

Stormy Daniels reprise (Indictment #1)

Strange Ancestor

Suite? More Like a Studio

Sumerian Advertising Jingle

Sun and Shadow: When the Honeymoon's Over

Super Cougar

Super Lane

Take As Directed

Take a Slave

Tapes! Why'd It Have To Be Tapes?

Tapeworm: the Parasite Parody

The Taste of Egg

Technical Difficulties on Zoom

The Technophobe's Lament

Television in Daylight

Then I Saw Your Face (ID)

There's Something in My Garden

These Five Words on My Screen

They’ll Know Me As Groot

They're Singing `Banned From Argo'

Thinkin' and Prayin'

This Space Intentionally Left Blank

Thrall of Software

Three-Ring Circuits

The Three-Second Grudge

Threes: Take 3

'Til the Battery Pack Runs Out

The Time Traveler's Daughter

Tinker's Grandson

A Toilet Training Song

Toys Ex Machina

Trains Underneath Tokyo


The Tree of Lights and Tinsel

The Trekkies Have Invaded

Tribble Gumbo

Trilogy Readers

The Truth About Alert Solids



Turing Test (Mola)

The Unbearable Whiteness of Clothing

Unforeseen Circumstances

Vapor Action

V.C.R. Dirge

Velvet Tide

Verdant Vittles

View of the World from 9th Avenue

Walking in Your Sleep

Waltzing with Bums

A Warning For Unknown Voters

The Watcher

Water in the Pipes

Weight-Loss Centers from Hell

Were, These Wild Things Are

We've Got Privies

When in Drought

White House and a Cherry Tree

The White Unicorn, Part I

The White Unicorn, Part II

Who Are You And What Have You Done With...

Who Even Goes There?

Wintergreen Passions

Winter Horrorland

Wise Men Feared to Tread (Where Giants Walked)

Without Paws

Wolf, Hen, and Corn

The Wreck of the Minnow

X Files Wren

Yestermom, Yesterdad, Yesterme

Zombies Robbing the Grave

Zoom Gallery View Theme

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