SOCIETY — Parodies commenting on social policies, culture, etc.
ong ive ureaucracy
reen row he ushes (pagan version)
he elentless ide f ule
ocking round he hristmas ree
oes his ong ake y ackside ook ark?
y ove as ike the oon
umerian dvertising ingle
et t now
eyond the estern ange
eyond the estern ea
clectic alactic uisines
ostumer's ament
rown ice and ofu
lack ace and idnight
n merican xpression
ords on't over t
aptain ack and is rew
aptain ack and the ermaid
he oon s lso a atellite
he un s lso a arrior
tink p the iver
rink p the iver
he ons of the axons
ong of the hield-all