Parody of “Demon in the Dark”, words by
Kathy Mar
, music by
Brenda Sutton
more information
and other parodies, see
Reprinted from
Songworm 2
This parody was sung by
Leslie Fish
Parody lyrics ©1989-06-07 by Bob Kanefsky. All rights reserved. The copyright of the original lyrics and music remain with the holder(s) of the original copyright.
You | Em broke | into my caverns as a | G glut | ton after punishment, |
And | D stran | ger tastes in food I’ve never | Em known | . |
You’re | G wel | come to those tasteless veins of | D di | amonds and dilithium. |
Just | C leave | me and my | G nest | of eggs a | D lone | . |
Chorus: |
You | Em beamed | down to this planet when, for | G rea | sons then unknown to you, |
The | D men | were dying horribly each | Em day | . |
What | G kind | of crazy creatures send their | D cap | tain to investigate |
Yet | C think | I’m less in | G tel | ligent than | D they | ? |
I’ve | Em killed | a few more miners extra | G grue | somely, to frighten you. |
But | D life | , it seems, means nothing much to | Em you | . |
Per | G haps | I’ll kill a couple of your | D crew | men from Security. |
I’ll | C bet | you’re not so | G used | to losing | D crew | . |
I’m | Em etch | ing one last message even | G you | can read. I’m desperate now. |
I’m | D stuck | between a hard place and my | Em self | . |
But | G make | one more complaint about my | D gram | mar |
You’ll | C find | I’m still a | G haz | ard to your | D health | ! |