Parody of “Lies”, words and music by Stan Rogers
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Parody lyrics ©1992-09-06 by Bob Kanefsky. All rights reserved. The copyright of the original lyrics and music remain with the holder(s) of the original copyright.
Written in one night at MagiCon, about Disney World. When it was performed the next day, Crystal Hagel wrote a parody, same title and tune, about me, in just minutes. Enough time to finish the song, but apparently not enough to find any of the places that Kanef would scan. Anyway, people who live in crystal houses shouldn’t throw stones; there are at least three filk songs with her name on them, if anyone cares to take a shot.
At | G last | the park is open for the | D/F# day | . |
She | Em reach | es for the | C tick | et as the | G fer | ry pulls a | D/F# way | . |
A | G noth | er day to stroll around, and | D/F# try |
To ex | Em plore | the Magic | C King | dom, under | G neath | the blazing | D/F# sky | . |
Sure | G was | a humid summer, and | D/F# though | it may seem strange, |
The | Em hot | and sticky weather’s one thing | C mag | ic cannot change. |
She’s | G been | all through the park save for the | D/F# rides | ... |
Am Mag | ic cannot | D/F# change | the length of | G lines | . |
Chorus: |