
Parody of “Misty”, words by Johnny Burke , music by Enroll Garner

For more information and other parodies, see
Parody lyrics ©1992-08-09 by Bob Kanefsky. All rights reserved. The copyright of the original lyrics and music remain with the holder(s) of the original copyright.

Instafilked at a party at Kathy Mar’s house, after Kristoph Klover did the original and suggested the chicken-up-a-tree part.

Next to me, you’re as clumsy as a chicken up a tree.
And I feel like I’m clinging to a clod.  I can’t understand 
I get blisters just holding your hand.

Dance that way, with a violence that can’t be held at bay,
And I listen for sounds of broken toes inside of my shoe.
I get blisters when I dance with you.

Did you say that I’m leading the dance?
But that’s not what I’m trying to do.
That explains just how hopelessly we’re lost:
I thought I’m following you.

I must strive just to make it through your clumsiness alive.
Never knowing your right foot from your left, my hand from my arm,
You cause blisters, and bodily harm.