I'll Rise Again

Parody of “I'll Fly Away”, words and music by Alfred E. Brumley

For more information and other parodies, see www.songworm.com
Parody lyrics ©2011-04-15 by Bob Kanefsky. All rights reserved. The copyright of the original lyrics and music remain with the holder(s) of the original copyright.

Inspired by “Feed,” Book 1 of the Newsflesh series by Mira Grant.

Some dark evening, when my life is done,
I’ll rise again.
Soon I’ll try to eat my wife and son.
I’ll rise again.

Chorus: I’ll rise again, infected.
I’ll rise again.  (With no warning.)
When I’m dead, put a bullet through my head,
Or I’ll rise again.

When there’s shadows, always stay alert.
I’ll rise again.
I’ll be seeking others to convert.
I’ll rise again.


Just be glad the world is still intact.
I’ll rise again.
No more colds or cancers to contract. 
I’ll rise again.


When you shoot me, try to make it quick. 
I’ll rise again.
Please don’t stop to poke me with a stick. 
I’ll rise again.
